Weinstein 4_3_23 Header Image

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Reading & Discussion with Author Cindy Weinstein, PhD

Monday, April 3rd from Noon-1:00pm (Mountain Time) 
In person at the Fulginiti Pavilion or via ZOOM

Cindy Weinstein is the Eli and Edythe Broad Professor of American Literature at the California Institute of Technology.  In 2018, Professor Weinstein spent a year as a fellow at the Global Health Brain Institute, working with Dr. Bruce Miller, Director of UCSF's Memory and Aging Center.  Together they wrote, Finding the Right Words: A Story of Literature, Grief, and the Brain, published in 2021. 

When Cindy Weinstein was studying to become a professor of literature, her father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Her love of words was accompanied by his loss of words and much more. Finding the Right Words follows her decades-long journey, as a daughter and English professor, of coming to terms with her father’s dementia.

Join us for a discussion with Mark Kissler, MD, MS, Assistant Professor at University of Colorado School of Medicine and faculty in the Certificate in Health Humanities and Ethics Program.

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